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If you’re looking to improve your business, start with our services.

Your user experience
starts with monitoring.

Proactive IT monitoring is the practice of continuously monitoring your organization’s IT systems and infrastructure, including applications, databases, networks, cloud services, and more, to identify potential issues before they become problems—helping to ensure the smooth business operations.

Benefits of proactive monitoring include:

Reduced Downtime

Identify and fix potential issues before they cause disruptions or downtime. This can help ensure that your business remains operational and productive, even during times of unexpected IT issues.

Increased Efficiency

By proactively monitoring your IT systems, you can identify and resolve issues before they cause delays or inefficiencies. This can help improve the efficiency of your business operations and reduce the need for manual intervention or troubleshooting.

Improved Performance

Proactive IT monitoring can help identify and resolve performance issues before they become problems. This can improve the overall performance of your IT systems and infrastructure, helping to ensure that your business is operating at its best.

Cost Savings

By fixing issues before they cause disruptions or downtime, you can avoid costly repairs and minimize the impact on your bottom line—saving time and money.

Need a system to ease team pressure and boost daily task management efficiency?

The Services we specialize in:

On-call Service

An on-call system is a system used by many companies to ensure that there is always someone available to respond to emergencies or issues that arise outside of regular business hours.

But there are several potential drawbacks or faults of an industry standard on-call system, including:

BURNOUT: On-call work can be stressful and demanding. Being on call for extended periods of time can lead to burnout among employees.

INEFFICIENCY: If the on-call schedule is not well-organized, it can be difficult for on-call employees to effectively respond to issues and emergencies, leading to inefficiency.

LACK OF COVERAGE: If the on-call schedule is not properly planned, there may be gaps in coverage where no one is available to respond to issues or emergencies.

LACK OF TRANSPARENCY: It can be difficult for employees to understand why they are being put on call, or how long they will be on call, leading to a lack of transparency.

LACK OF TRAINING: On-call employees may not receive sufficient training to effectively handle the types of issues or emergencies they may encounter while on call.

The Aware247 team coordinates with clients to ensure that all the above aspects are resolved, thus delivering efficient and prompt service.

Incident Management

Incident management is the process or set of activities used to identify, understand, and then fix IT-related (but business impacting) issues. Incident management is a key component to the success of your business. You need an expert team that can properly handle the different stages of incident management.


Our top priority is handling any incidents with the utmost care and efficiency, including conducting a thorough post-mortem analysis to help identify the root cause and prevent similar incidents in the future.

From incident detection to closure, these are the steps Aware247 takes when any incident is reported:

  • Incident detection
  • On-call service
  • Approval from on-call for incident management
  • Prioritization and support
  • Notification to stakeholders
  • Investigation and diagnosis
  • Resolution
  • Incident closure

Problem Management

Problem management is the process of identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems that arise within an organization. It is an essential part of any successful business, as it helps ensure that every problem is handled in a timely and efficient manner. Problem management involves a systematic approach to identifying, diagnosing, and resolving problems to minimize the disruption caused by them.

Aware247 ensures that our clients remain successful and competitive in their respective markets with the help and support of an in-house team by proactively identifying and resolving potential problems.

Change Management

Change & release management is a critical aspect of any successful organization’s IT operations. It involves a systematic approach to the modification, testing, and deployment of new or updated software and systems.

Effective change and release management ensures that new changes are properly tested and deployed in a controlled and organized manner, minimizing the risk of disruption or downtime. It also helps to ensure that all necessary stakeholders are informed and involved in the process.

Change and release management processes typically involve the following steps:

PLANNING: This involves identifying the scope and objectives
of the change, as well as any potential risks or impacts.

TESTING: Changes are thoroughly tested in a controlled environment to ensure they are functional and stable before being deployed to production.

APPROVAL: Changes must be reviewed and approved by relevant parties before they can be deployed.

DEPLOYMENT: Changes are deployed to production in a controlled and organized manner, typically using a phased or rolling deployment approach.

MONITORING: After deployment, changes are closely monitored to ensure they are functioning as intended and to identify any potential issues. 

Aware247 lead the change advisory board, ensuring adequate risk assessment and scheduling of technical changes and releases. 

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